Friday, September 28, 2007

My PJ's

Self Sufficient

I think I'm going to whip up some pasta
Just need to grab a couple of things...
Oops...oh maybe I'll just have that yogurt.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Gang!

Back Row: Julie & Kaias, Catherine & Anderson, Mommy & Me, Kim-Izzy & Charlotte, Tanya & Kaitlin, Barb & Ben
Front Row: Emma & Jack, Carrie & Mia, Alison & Ben, Mackenzie

Back Row: Carrie, Tanya, Barb, Alison
Front Row: Kim, Julie, Catherine, Mommy, Emma

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Learning to play the flute

I want to learn how to play the flute...

but because I don't have one, I'll practice on the tin foil

I need a maid

Just doing a little dusting...
Need to take a break to admire myself
These mirrors are fithy
This is totally work here is NEVER done
Oh, cleaning cleaning cleaning...
I don't even want to talk about it anymore
Things are starting to turn around in here
Just need to straighten out this poster....and do some counting while I'm at it
There are 10 penguins on this poster

Oh boy, who took these books out and didn't put them back?
For future reference, this is where they go
Now if Mommy and Daddy would just do as they are told, we wouldn't have this problem
But I don't mind helping...Daddy, time to pay up!
Ta ta

Playing in the backyard! that you?
Very busy, gotta run,
Mommy, it's for you...
I gotta go bring the phone to Mommy.
Daddy, no time for chit chat and picture taking, I have to get to Mommy, Dora's on the phone
Look at me!!!
Not sure what this thing does, but I like it!


Too Cool!

Beluga Whales!

This was my first trip to Marineland. It was great, they had Killer Whales, Dolphins, Bears, Sea Lions, and even more! We're going again for sure!!